This Award-Winning Masterpiece Walked the Same Path as 'Into the Wild,' but Surpassed It in Every Way
Agnès Varda's 1985 movie Vagabond, starring Sandrine Bonnaire, won the Golden Lion at the Venice International Film Festival.

For whatever reason, dropping all your comforts and luxuries to live in the open wilderness is part of the human identity. Enough daring and mysterious individuals, most notably Christopher McCandless, the subject of Into the Wild, have had this urge to inspire a slew of reality shows about living on a deserted island or wasteland. No one has any answers to why people make these reckless decisions, even the profound French filmmaker Agnès Varda, who is perhaps more tapped into human psychology than anyone who has operated behind the camera. One of Varda's signature works, Vagabond from 1985, is an elliptical saga of a young woman who plunges into the world of vagrancy seemingly to experience something new and independent, but we can't be entirely sure why she chose the nomadic life. This groundbreaking film examines this unknowable person through testimony from those who have forgotten her and those who idealize her.