Avowed - The Blade That Hungers Treasure Map Location
In Avowed you can find rare and powerful loot in the world by using treasure maps to track down hidden gear. In Galawain's Tusks, you can acquire The Blade that Hungers treasure map from Bulti, a vendor found in Solace Keep. He can be found on the upper floor of Solace Keep, in the shrine area. With the treasure map acquired, the side quest will start.The Blade that Hungers treasure locationThe treasure chest can be found in the northern most part of Ash Forest.The Blade that Hungers treasure can be found in a chest in the northern tip of the Ash Forest. Head to the northernmost point directly above the "S" in Ash, and you will spot a small cave opening. Head into the tunnel and follow it to find a chest further north, in an area that looks like it's off the map. Inside the chest, you can find the Umbral Needle, a legendary unique dagger.Follow this cave to find the treasure chest.The Umbral Needle has two passives, Fampyr's Bite, which restores 2% of damage dealt as health. The Greater Opening Strike gives 15% increased damage against enemies with full health. You can upgrade the Umbral Needle via the enchantment table in camp. Collecting the Umbral Dagger will mark the quest as complete. If you aren't interested in the dagger, it can be broken down for upgrade materials or sold for a hefty 11,700 gold.Continue Reading at GameSpot

In Avowed you can find rare and powerful loot in the world by using treasure maps to track down hidden gear. In Galawain's Tusks, you can acquire The Blade that Hungers treasure map from Bulti, a vendor found in Solace Keep. He can be found on the upper floor of Solace Keep, in the shrine area. With the treasure map acquired, the side quest will start.
The Blade that Hungers treasure location

The Blade that Hungers treasure can be found in a chest in the northern tip of the Ash Forest. Head to the northernmost point directly above the "S" in Ash, and you will spot a small cave opening. Head into the tunnel and follow it to find a chest further north, in an area that looks like it's off the map. Inside the chest, you can find the Umbral Needle, a legendary unique dagger.

The Umbral Needle has two passives, Fampyr's Bite, which restores 2% of damage dealt as health. The Greater Opening Strike gives 15% increased damage against enemies with full health. You can upgrade the Umbral Needle via the enchantment table in camp. Collecting the Umbral Dagger will mark the quest as complete. If you aren't interested in the dagger, it can be broken down for upgrade materials or sold for a hefty 11,700 gold.Continue Reading at GameSpot