Podcast links: unleashing abundance
Fridays are all about podcast links here at Abnormal Returns. You can check out last week’s links including a look at some...
- What even is a podcast any more? (bloomberg.com)
- The case for quitting Spotify ($SPOT), or at least it's algorithm. (vox.com)
How Not to Invest
- Meb Faber talks with Barry Ritholtz author of "How Not to Invest: The ideas, numbers, and behavior that destroy wealth—and how to avoid them." (podcasts.apple.com)
- Josh Brown talks with Barry about the book. (youtube.com)
- Christine Benz and Amy Arnott talk with Barry Ritholtz author of "How Not to Invest: The ideas, numbers, and behavior that destroy wealth—and how to avoid them." (morningstar.com)
- Barry Ritholtz talks with Jim O'Shaugnessy about his new book "Two Thoughts: A Timeless Collection of Infinite Wisdom." (ritholtz.com)
- Elliot Turner and John Mihaljevic talk with Eric Markowitz, director of research at Nightview Capital. (youtube.com)
- Matt Zeigler talks with Cullen Roche about his journey through finance. (epsilontheory.com)
- Eric Golden talks with Jon Birnbaum who is the founder and CEO of OpenYield. (joincolossus.com)
- Jeff Malec talks return stacking with Mike Philbrick, Rodrigo Gordillo, Adam Butler, and Corey Hoffstein. (rcmalternatives.com)
- Jerusalem Demsas talks with Derek Thompson and Ezra Klein co-authors of "Abundance." (theatlantic.com)
- Tyler Cowen talks with Ezra Klein, co-author of "Abundance." (conversationswithtyler.com)
- Derek Thompson talks with Ezra Klein, his co-author of "Abundance." (podcasts.apple.com)
- Khe Hy talks with Annie Duke about the importance of quitting. (youtube.com)
- Michael Easter talks life lessons learned with Brett McKay of The Art of Manliness podcast. (twopct.com)
- Shane Parrish talks dating with Logan Ury, Director of Relationship Science at Hinge. (fs.blog)
- Dan Harris talks with Jonathan Fields about how to figure out what matters most to you. (podcasts.apple.com)
- Dwarkesh Patel talks with Joseph Henrich why homo sapiens survived, despite the long odds. (dwarkesh.com)