Employable while in lifelong Pain management [closed]
I had a lumbar fusion that did nerve damage 10 years ago. I have been involved in pain management, taking opiates, muscle relaxers, nerve inhibitors, and physical therapy. I still currently take all of the medications, in addition to medical marijuana between doses to better manage. All of this is through doctor prescription. Can anyone recommend a field or job where I would not be laughed out the door as an insurance liability?
![Employable while in lifelong Pain management [closed]](https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/workplace/Img/apple-touch-icon@2.png?v=d39b333f5c58)
I had a lumbar fusion that did nerve damage 10 years ago. I have been involved in pain management, taking opiates, muscle relaxers, nerve inhibitors, and physical therapy. I still currently take all of the medications, in addition to medical marijuana between doses to better manage. All of this is through doctor prescription. Can anyone recommend a field or job where I would not be laughed out the door as an insurance liability?