Gestaltwandler-Roboter bewegt sich wie ein Oktopus und hebt das 260-fache seines Gewichts

Neues aus der Robotik aus China: SpiRobs aus dem 3D-Drucker. Inspired by nature’s most adaptable creatures, SpiRobs is a new soft robot developed by researchers…

Mär 2, 2025 - 12:02
Gestaltwandler-Roboter bewegt sich wie ein Oktopus und hebt das 260-fache seines Gewichts

Neues aus der Robotik aus China: SpiRobs aus dem 3D-Drucker.

Inspired by nature’s most adaptable creatures, SpiRobs is a new soft robot developed by researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China. Unlike traditional robotic arms that rely on rigid grippers, SpiRobs can bend, wrap, and adjust its shape to interact with objects more naturally—much like an octopus or an elephant trunk. With a success rate of over 95%, it can handle everything from delicate eggs to objects 260 times its own weight. Its simple, motor-free design makes it cost-effective, durable, and versatile, with potential applications in healthcare, industrial automation, and even search-and-rescue.
