CloudAnalytics for AWS Amplify (Analyzing AWS Amplify Access logs. Part 3)
I wrote two parts about how you can analyze the Access Logs from AWS Amplify. And it was a time to write a third part of the series. But after touching AWS QuickSight again (I use it for Outcold Solutions) I realized that I don’t want to go through configuring it. As it is purely drag and drop way of building dashboards, and I am not very happy with that. Another option was to use AWS SES with lambdas to run SQL over Athena and send reports as CSV or nicely formatted emails with AWS SES. But if you have ever built yourself an email template, you know that it is not an easy task as well. HTML is limited in emails, and you have to be very careful with what you use.

I wrote two parts about how you can analyze the Access Logs from AWS Amplify. And it was a time to write a third part of the series.
But after touching AWS QuickSight again (I use it for Outcold Solutions)
I realized that I don’t want to go through configuring it. As it is purely drag and drop way of building dashboards,
and I am not very happy with that. Another option was to use AWS SES with lambdas to run SQL over Athena and send
reports as CSV or nicely formatted emails with AWS SES. But if you have ever built yourself an email template,
you know that it is not an easy task as well. HTML is limited in emails, and you have to be very careful with what you use.