Low-Tech Candelabra: Industrial Designer Sebastian Bergne's Simple Candloop
British industrial designer Sebastian Bergne designed this Candloop way back in 1999. Made of stainless steel wire and aluminum for the candle holders, it's a simple way to turn a wine bottle into a candelabra. This is low-tech '90s design, when design was still fun. It's recently been brought back into production by German housewares brand Details Produkte. They run €20/$20 a pop.

British industrial designer Sebastian Bergne designed this Candloop way back in 1999. Made of stainless steel wire and aluminum for the candle holders, it's a simple way to turn a wine bottle into a candelabra.
This is low-tech '90s design, when design was still fun.
It's recently been brought back into production by German housewares brand Details Produkte. They run €20/$20 a pop.