Join me for free online professional development: Finding flow and student engagement in the classroom
Let’s reimagine student engagement. Join me for a free online training to help you teach productivity practices to students by finding flow. Teach your students how to be more productive I’ve really enjoyed the time I’ve spent in schools training teachers on the Finding Flow Solutions curriculum, and helping teachers reimagine student engagement in … Continued The post Join me for free online professional development: Finding flow and student engagement in the classroom appeared first on Truth For Teachers.

Let’s reimagine student engagement.
Join me for a free online training to help you teach productivity practices to students by finding flow.
Teach your students how to be more productive
I’ve really enjoyed the time I’ve spent in schools training teachers on the Finding Flow Solutions curriculum, and helping teachers reimagine student engagement in their classrooms. Productivity practices and mindsets CAN be taught, and Finding Flow makes that process super simple (read: no-prep!) for teachers.
Because not every school has the funds to bring me in to conduct professional development in person, I thought it would be fun to offer an online event.
This hour-long online event is free for ALL secondary educators to attend, whether you’ve never heard of Finding Flow Solutions, just have the free unit, or your school has purchased the entire curriculum bundle.
Join us to explore:
- A radical re-imagination of student engagement: what could be possible in your classroom?
- How to use the Finding Flow resources to bring your classroom vision into reality
- An introduction to flow theory for the classroom
- Teaching students about time management, energy management, and attention management
- FAQ / QA
You can interact with other secondary teachers in the live chat, asking questions and sharing ideas.
High school teacher FREE Finding Flow Solutions training
Middle school teacher FREE Finding Flow Solutions training
This is a laid-back, enjoyable time for you to think, dream, imagine, and plan for what could be possible in your classroom. I’d love for you to try some of the Finding Flow strategies this school year, just experimenting to see what resonates with your students. I’ll stick around after the training to answer all your questions.
P.S. Elementary teachers: resources for your students are going to begin releasing this spring! You are more than welcome to attend the middle school training if you’d like to learn some strategies now that you can apply in the upper elementary grades.
The post Join me for free online professional development: Finding flow and student engagement in the classroom appeared first on Truth For Teachers.