George Lucas Named This ‘Star Wars’ Character After His Son, but Based Him on This Oscar-Winning Actor

George Lucas named Dexter Jettster after his son, Jett Lucas, but based the character on the acclaimed actor Ernest Borgnine.

Mar 13, 2025 - 06:08
George Lucas Named This ‘Star Wars’ Character After His Son, but Based Him on This Oscar-Winning Actor

The release of the Star Warsprequel trilogy didn’t only mark the return of one of the most beloved franchises of all time but also the resurgence of George Lucasto the role of a director, which he had not occupied since the release of the original film in 1977. Although Lucas showed the same degree of diligence in crafting an ambitious story, he also placed many fun Easter Eggs within all three films. Star Wars: Episode II- Attack of the Clonesfeatures an appearance by the alien bartender known as Dexter Jettster, who gives important information to Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) about the origin of the Kaminoan saberdart used by Jango Fett (Temura Morrison). Dexter was modeled after the Academy Award-winning character actor Ernest Borgnine, and his name is shared by another member of the Lucas family.