Building Muscle, Deer Antler Velvet, Elevated Liver Enzymes | THRR197
Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic: Darkhorse Podcast episode 249: The Case For Trump Reasonable Dowd: Ed Dowd on Darkhorse Show Notes: bad cattitude: joy will be mandatory Rucking 101 – Michael Easter Ketogenic Diet-induced Elevated Cholesterol, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Potential Non-alcoholic Fatty… Continue Reading

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News Topic:
Darkhorse Podcast episode 249: The Case For Trump
Reasonable Dowd: Ed Dowd on Darkhorse
Show Notes:
bad cattitude: joy will be mandatory
The Best Supplements For Muscle Growth And Health
Building muscle without weight training
Maggie writes:
Hi Robb and Nicki,
I am sick of weight training. I spent about 12 years (2009-2021) doing some combination of bodybuilding style training or crossfit and truly loved it. However, I had a miscarriage at the end of 2021 and after the recovery from it I have never gotten back into a regular lifting routine. I also have no desire to weight train in a gym anymore or do typical resistance or weight training routines at all. However, it is ground into my mind that I must lift weights to maintain my muscle mass as I age (I’m 41 and female). I am struggling mentally on how to stay physically fit and healthy as I age without lifting weights. I currently walk 3-5 miles several times per week and force myself to lift lower body 1 day per week. I do love to hike, walk, and am interested in road cycling and rucking. So my questions are do I have to lift weights to maintain or build muscle? Is a combination of rucking, hiking, walking and/or cycling enough stimulus to achieve the muscle building and strength I need as I age? I’m most curious about rucking, because it seems like it would be a great for muscle development, but I would love your thoughts. Also do you have a recommendation on ruck packs or weighted vests to use? Thank you so much for all your advice.
Elevated ALT/AST on Keto (With Resolution?)
Chris writes:
Hi Robb and Nikki,
Sent you a podcast question back in March of this year prior to a liver biopsy with a long-winded explanation of elevated liver enzymes I’ve been having since I had my appendix removed in Feb ’23. Lo and behold, the liver biopsy revealed no issues and I followed up with a hepatic specialist who is still scratching his head. Much ado about nothing though (I think): I went on vacation for 4th of July week (stayed low-ish carb i.e. 100g-200g net carb) and retested when I got back and my enzymes went down a significant amount, but not fully clean. They went back up after a few weeks of low carb after this. This got me curious, so when I went on another vacation in July and purposefully went off low carb for 2.5 weeks and retested: when I got back and my enzymes were actually entirely clean this time! This made me want to prove out my hypothesis of low carb (<50g net carbs) causing my elevated ALT/AST. I did three weeks of low carb after this and was able to get my ALT and AST to go back up again. Then I did three weeks of higher carb paleo (250g-300g net carbs) and was able to get my enzymes back to normal. Neat parlor trick, eh?
Some numbers for reference (Date/ALT/AST/Diet Prior to Test):
6/16 = 75 / 131 / <50g net carb
7/08 = 52 / 97 / 100g-200g net carb
7/19 = 78 / 122 / <50g net carb
08/08 = 33 / 51 / no holds barred carb gluttony, can’t even estimate
08/29 = 78 / 115 / <50g net carb
09/19 = 40 / 37 / paleo 250g-300g net carb
I’m fairly active (18K-20K steps per day), 30 minutes of zone 2 cardio daily, 10 minutes of resistance training daily, at least three one mile walks spread throughout the day (typically after meals).
Any ideas as to what is happening here? Gastroenterologist and hepatic specialist are stumped. All tests were done at the same lab and all food was logged except for the gluttonous vacation. Tried to keep this experimentation as scientific as possible.
Deer Antler Velvet
Davin writes
I’ve been a listener from the beginning (I still miss Greg!). Anyhow, I was wondering your opinion on a supplement that’s seems to be gaining popularity.
It’s supposedly a non synthetic alternative to GH or peptides. I took it for six months and saw zeros results in gym performance or body composition. Seems to just be repurposed deer antler velvet (I’d be interested in your thoughts on DAV as well) thank you.
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