Bob Jordan Is CEO Of Southwest Airlines In Name Only – It’s Time For Him To Go
Jordan no longer leads the airline, he carries water for others above him who aren't giving him the space to make decisions. He likely doesn't need the job. Why is he sacrificing his integrity to front these changes? It's time to walk away, and signal that the place he's worked since 1988 does not exist any longer. Continue reading Bob Jordan Is CEO Of Southwest Airlines In Name Only – It’s Time For Him To Go...

Jordan no longer leads the airline, he carries water for others above him who aren’t giving him the space to make decisions. He likely doesn’t need the job. Why is he sacrificing his integrity to front these changes? It’s time to walk away, and signal that the place he’s worked since 1988 does not exist any longer.
Continue reading Bob Jordan Is CEO Of Southwest Airlines In Name Only – It’s Time For Him To Go…