Today, trends in website creation are changing. With the advent of Next.js, most developers have started using the concept of SSR (Server-Sider Rendering), which allows generating dynamic markup directly on the backend. But since this practice is architectural due to the fact that it is a framework, you will not be able to combine it normally, for example, if your site is already written in Vue. The microfrontend concept helps in this regard, but again, for budget development this is too expensive a scheme, so in order to painlessly implement SSR (without robots), this template language was developed.

Today, trends in website creation are changing. With the advent of Next.js, most developers have started using the concept of SSR (Server-Sider Rendering), which allows generating dynamic markup directly on the backend. But since this practice is architectural due to the fact that it is a framework, you will not be able to combine it normally, for example, if your site is already written in Vue.
The microfrontend concept helps in this regard, but again, for budget development this is too expensive a scheme, so in order to painlessly implement SSR (without robots), this template language was developed.