This Set of 43 Old Audis for Sale Comes With a Goldmine of Parts for Them
Nearly every Audi sold in the 1980s is accounted for, including the Quattro. But the cars need work. The post This Set of 43 Old Audis for Sale Comes With a Goldmine of Parts for Them appeared first on The Drive.

If you like to buy your classic Audi models like you buy cereal at Costco, you’re in luck. There’s a huge collection that includes over 40 cars and a stunning selection of parts currently listed on eBay, and the seller wants to offload it all to an enthusiast looking for a bulk deal.
The cars were built between 1983 and 1991, according to the ad, and the owner of the collection spent about 40 years amassing them. There are 43 cars total, including 38 with a title, and it looks like just about every model that Audi offered in the United States during that era is accounted for. We spot several 4000s, 5000s, 80s, 90s, and a B2-generation Coupé. There’s even what looks like a Quattro.
Don’t get the wrong idea: This isn’t a one-way ticket to opening an Audi museum in your hometown. Most of the cars shown in the gallery look like they haven’t moved in quite some time. They’re sitting either outside or under a carport and many are covered in leaves. The stash is located in New York, so we’re not terribly surprised to spot rust holes here and there. We’re betting that some are best kept for parts.
Speaking of parts … wow! It’s a treasure trove of new and used parts, including some that have become pretty difficult to find. We spot body panels, steel and alloy wheels, suspension and steering parts, radiator hoses, and, of course, the funky UFO rotors that Audi put on some of its cars in the 1980s and 1990s. It looks like you’d need one of those giant, Maersk-Sealand shipping containers just to take the parts home.
If you’ve got the space to store more than 40 classic German cars and a metric crapload (yes, that’s a very scientific unit of measurement) of parts, head on over to eBay and check out the listing. The collection has a buy-it-now price of $350,000. It’s not cheap, with that kind of money you could buy a new Lamborghini and have money left over for a set of track tires, but if you’re an Audi hoarder you’ll be set for life.
Read the fine-print before hitting “buy it now,” though. The seller, who is listing the collection on behalf of its owner, says that the cars and parts will only be sold as a complete package. How do you move such a massive collection? We don’t know, but we hope you do if you’re interested in the lot. The seller stresses that the buyer “must have a plan for removing all cars [and] parts within 30 days of signed contract.”
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