Stomach Issues, Meat and Eczema | THRR204

Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic:   Show Notes:   Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, MD Questions:    Stomach Issues Marty writes:  Hi Robb and Nikki, love the show and all the various insight you provide and have been an avid listener for years. For context,… Continue Reading

Feb 22, 2025 - 01:26
Stomach Issues, Meat and Eczema | THRR204

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Show Notes:


Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, MD



Stomach Issues

Marty writes: 

Hi Robb and Nikki, love the show and all the various insight you provide and have been an avid listener for years.

For context, I’m a 44 year old very active male with a high stress job (police officer). 5’11” and 188 lbs. Prior to 2021, my stomach was basically a garbage can, I could eat anything without issues. I did however eat mostly keto/carnivore but had no issues eating carbs whenever I wanted to. Then New Years 2021, I had a very bad episode of campylobacter jejuni from some oysters resulting in a hospital trip after 10 days of constant atomic bowel movements. So fun! I was put on antibiotics (I forget which kind). Since then, my digestion has been an adventure to say the least.

It seems like no matter what I eat, I have to make sure I’m near a washroom after eating. In particular, if I try and eat carnivor like I used to, I find myself running to a washroom shortly after. If I include more carbs like rice or potatoes, I seem to do better but then I gain weight easily and find it harder to hit my daily protein goals of 1 gr per lbs of body weight.

My question, is what can I do to return my stomach to previous function? I’ve tried pre and probiotics. I’ve done a few 3 days fasts hoping that it’ll cure whatever is going on but haven’t been successful. Unfortunately, our Canadian Healthcare isn’t the greatest and I don’t have a family doctor to get these issues resolved. Any insight would be amazing!

Keep up the good work and hopefully Canada can get it’s own version of RFK. Jr eventually!




Meat and Eczema

Tamara writes:

Hi there! I’m a big fan of the show and the ancestral approach to diet and lifestyle. When my baby started eating solid food at 6 months, I prioritized giving her the most nutritious foods including grass fed beef, organs and meat stock (which is supposed to be gentler for babies than bone broth.)

Shortly after starting solids, she developed eczema. Her and I both went on an elimination diet since I’m breastfeeding. Eliminating coconut in my diet helped, but the rash continued. We find that her skin improves when we feed her chicken and seafood, but gets worse with red meat and meat stock.

Are there any mechanisms you know of that could make her reactive to beef and lamb? My understanding is that red meat is the ultimate elimination diet, so I’m feeling a little stumped. I’m hoping to heal her gut so that she can eat red meat in the future.

She’s now 9 months old and otherwise super healthy – she’s ahead of her milestones, in the 90th percentile for weight and height, and has great energy. She had an unmedicated vaginal birth, has never been given formula and hasn’t had any vaccines or antibiotics. My diet consists of grass fed beef, wild caught seafood, chicken, fruit, veggies and olive oil.

I understand that every person is different and I’m open to the idea that the diet that works for me doesn’t work for her. However, I’d like to know if there’s something else I should investigate as to why she’s reacting to red meat.

Thanks in advance! I sincerely appreciate you both and the enormous value you’ve brought to my life.




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