There's an ongoing battle to save a part of this planet from destructive mining that most people don't know about. Not only do they not know about the battle, they also don't even know much about the area greedy corporations want to mine. This new documentary titled
How Deep is Your Love shines a light on both of these aspects. The film just premiered at the CPH:DOX Film Festival in Copenhagen
this month, playing in their Science section, after first premiering at the True/False Film Fest in the US earlier this year.
How Deep is Your Love is yet another urgent, meaningful, entirely captivating modern documentary film about environmental issues that most people need to be informed of
right now. We cannot wait on this issue. We cannot clean things up and replant and reseed this part of the world once it's destroyed - even if it's far away from us. The doc focuses on deep sea mining of underwater rocks called
manganese nodules - containing precious minerals which manufacturing industries are desperate to get their hands on. But which creatures and deep sea animals live down there? That's what the scientists in this film are sent to find out and study... //
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