Renee Zellweger as you've never seen her before! A-lister, 55, channels Marilyn Monroe in a VERY leggy shoot for C Magazine as she admits she 'never existed in Hollywood' and how the fifties 'are the next best thing'

Renee Zellweger channeled 1950s Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe in a very leggy shoot for C Magazine.

Feb 14, 2025 - 18:34
Renee Zellweger as you've never seen her before! A-lister, 55, channels Marilyn Monroe in a VERY leggy shoot for C Magazine as she admits she 'never existed in Hollywood' and how the fifties 'are the next best thing'
Renee Zellweger channeled 1950s Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe in a very leggy shoot for C Magazine.