Polyfill for call in JavaScript

What is Function.prototype.call? The call method allows you to invoke a function with a specified this context and pass arguments individually. Here’s a quick example: How we can Implement custom call Setting Default Context: context = context || globalThis; If context is null or undefined, it defaults to globalThis. This ensures the function is called in the global context when no context is provided. Creating a Unique Key: const uniqueKey = Symbol("fn"); A Symbol is used to create a unique property key to avoid overwriting existing properties on the context object. Assigning the Function to the Context: context[uniqueKey] = this; The function (this refers to the function being called) is temporarily added as a property of the context object. Calling the Function: const result = context[uniqueKey](...args); The function is called with the provided arguments using the spread syntax. Cleaning Up: delete context[uniqueKey]; The temporary property is removed from the context object to prevent side effects. Returning the Result: return result; The result of the function call is returned.

Mar 20, 2025 - 13:56
Polyfill for call in JavaScript

What is Function.prototype.call?

The call method allows you to invoke a function with a specified this context and pass arguments individually. Here’s a quick example:

Image description

How we can Implement custom call

Image description

Setting Default Context:

context = context || globalThis;

  • If context is null or undefined, it defaults to globalThis. This ensures the function is called in the global context when no context is provided.

Creating a Unique Key:

const uniqueKey = Symbol("fn");

  • A Symbol is used to create a unique property key to avoid overwriting existing properties on the context object.

Assigning the Function to the Context:

context[uniqueKey] = this;

  • The function (this refers to the function being called) is temporarily added as a property of the context object.

Calling the Function:

const result = context[uniqueKey](...args);

  • The function is called with the provided arguments using the spread syntax.

Cleaning Up:

delete context[uniqueKey];

  • The temporary property is removed from the context object to prevent side effects.

Returning the Result:

return result;

  • The result of the function call is returned.