Phased breaking changes

Giving advance warning before breaking client code. I was recently listening to Jimmy Bogard on .NET Rocks! talking about 14 versions of Automapper. It made me reminisce on how I dealt with versioning of AutFixture, in the approximately ten years I helmed that project. Jimmy has done open source longer than I have, and it sounds as though he's found a way that works for him. When I led AutoFixture, I did things a bit differently, which I'll outline in this article. In no way do I mean to imply that that way was better than Jimmy's. It may, however, strike a chord with a reader or two, so I present it in the hope that some readers may find the following ideas useful. Scope # This article is about versioning a code base. Typically, a code base contains 'modules' of a kind, and client code that relies on those modules. In object-oriented programming, modules are often called classes, but in general, what matters in this context is that some kind of API exists. The distinction between API and client code is most clear if you're maintaining a reusable library, and you don't know the client developers, but even internal application code has APIs and client code. The following may still be relevant if you're working in a code base together with colleagues. This article discusses code-level APIs. Examples include C# code that other .NET code can call, but may also apply to Java objects callable from Clojure, Haskell code callable by other Haskell code, etc. It does not discuss versioning of REST APIs or other kinds of online services. I have, in the past, discussed versioning in such a context, and refer you, among other articles, to REST implies Content Negotiation and Retiring old service versions. Additionally, some of the techniques outlined here are specific to .NET, or even C#. If, as I suspect, JavaScript or other languages don't have those features, then these techniques don't apply. They're hardly universal. Semantic versioning # The first few years of AutoFixture, I didn't use a systematic versioning scheme. That changed when I encountered Semantic Versioning: In 2011 I changed AutoFixture versioning to Semantic Versioning. This forced me to think explicitly about breaking changes. As an aside, in recent years I've encountered the notion that Semantic Versioning is somehow defunct. This is often based on the observation that Semantic Version 2.0.0 was published in 2013. Surely, if no further development has taken place, it's been abandoned by its maintainer? This may or may not be the case. Does it matter? The original author, Tom Preston-Werner, may have lost interest in Semantic Versioning. Or perhaps it's simply done. Regardless of the underlying reasons, I find Semantic Versioning useful as it is. The fact that it hasn't changed since 2013 may be an indication that it's stable. After all, it's not a piece of software. It's a specification that helps you think about versioning, and in my opinion, it does an excellent job of that. As I already stated, once I started using Semantic Versioning I began to think explicitly about breaking changes. Advance warning # Chapter 10 in Code That Fits in Your Head is about making changes to existing code bases. Unless you're working on a solo project with no other programmers, changes you make impact other people. If you can, avoid breaking other people's code. The chapter discusses some techniques for that, but also briefly covers how to introduce breaking changes. Some of that chapter is based on my experience with AutoFixture. If your language has a way to retire an API, use it. In Java you can use the @Deprecated annotation, and in C# the equivalent [Obsolete] attribute. In C#, any client code that uses a method with the [Obsolete] attribute will now emit a compiler warning. By default, this will only be a warning, and there's certainly a risk that people don't look at those. On the other hand, if you follow my advice from Code That Fits in Your Head, you should treat warnings as errors. If you do, however, those warnings emitted by [Obsolete] attributes will prevent your code from compiling. Or, if you're the one who just adorned a method with that attribute, you should understand that you may just have inconvenienced someone else. Therefore, whenever you add such an attribute, do also add a message that tells client developers how to move on from the API that you've just retired. As an example, here's an (ASP.NET) method that handles GET requests for calendar resources: [Obsolete("Use Get method with restaurant ID.")] [HttpGet("calendar/{year}/{month}")] public ActionResult LegacyGet(int year, int month) To be

Mar 17, 2025 - 16:23
Phased breaking changes

Giving advance warning before breaking client code.

I was recently listening to Jimmy Bogard on .NET Rocks! talking about 14 versions of Automapper. It made me reminisce on how I dealt with versioning of AutFixture, in the approximately ten years I helmed that project.

Jimmy has done open source longer than I have, and it sounds as though he's found a way that works for him. When I led AutoFixture, I did things a bit differently, which I'll outline in this article. In no way do I mean to imply that that way was better than Jimmy's. It may, however, strike a chord with a reader or two, so I present it in the hope that some readers may find the following ideas useful.

Scope #

This article is about versioning a code base. Typically, a code base contains 'modules' of a kind, and client code that relies on those modules. In object-oriented programming, modules are often called classes, but in general, what matters in this context is that some kind of API exists.

The distinction between API and client code is most clear if you're maintaining a reusable library, and you don't know the client developers, but even internal application code has APIs and client code. The following may still be relevant if you're working in a code base together with colleagues.

This article discusses code-level APIs. Examples include C# code that other .NET code can call, but may also apply to Java objects callable from Clojure, Haskell code callable by other Haskell code, etc. It does not discuss versioning of REST APIs or other kinds of online services. I have, in the past, discussed versioning in such a context, and refer you, among other articles, to REST implies Content Negotiation and Retiring old service versions.

Additionally, some of the techniques outlined here are specific to .NET, or even C#. If, as I suspect, JavaScript or other languages don't have those features, then these techniques don't apply. They're hardly universal.

Semantic versioning #

The first few years of AutoFixture, I didn't use a systematic versioning scheme. That changed when I encountered Semantic Versioning: In 2011 I changed AutoFixture versioning to Semantic Versioning. This forced me to think explicitly about breaking changes.

As an aside, in recent years I've encountered the notion that Semantic Versioning is somehow defunct. This is often based on the observation that Semantic Version 2.0.0 was published in 2013. Surely, if no further development has taken place, it's been abandoned by its maintainer? This may or may not be the case. Does it matter?

The original author, Tom Preston-Werner, may have lost interest in Semantic Versioning. Or perhaps it's simply done. Regardless of the underlying reasons, I find Semantic Versioning useful as it is. The fact that it hasn't changed since 2013 may be an indication that it's stable. After all, it's not a piece of software. It's a specification that helps you think about versioning, and in my opinion, it does an excellent job of that.

As I already stated, once I started using Semantic Versioning I began to think explicitly about breaking changes.

Advance warning #

Chapter 10 in Code That Fits in Your Head is about making changes to existing code bases. Unless you're working on a solo project with no other programmers, changes you make impact other people. If you can, avoid breaking other people's code. The chapter discusses some techniques for that, but also briefly covers how to introduce breaking changes. Some of that chapter is based on my experience with AutoFixture.

If your language has a way to retire an API, use it. In Java you can use the @Deprecated annotation, and in C# the equivalent [Obsolete] attribute. In C#, any client code that uses a method with the [Obsolete] attribute will now emit a compiler warning.

By default, this will only be a warning, and there's certainly a risk that people don't look at those. On the other hand, if you follow my advice from Code That Fits in Your Head, you should treat warnings as errors. If you do, however, those warnings emitted by [Obsolete] attributes will prevent your code from compiling. Or, if you're the one who just adorned a method with that attribute, you should understand that you may just have inconvenienced someone else.

Therefore, whenever you add such an attribute, do also add a message that tells client developers how to move on from the API that you've just retired. As an example, here's an (ASP.NET) method that handles GET requests for calendar resources:

[Obsolete("Use Get method with restaurant ID.")]
public ActionResult LegacyGet(int yearint month)

To be honest, that message may be a bit on the terse side, but the point is that there's another method on the same class that takes an additional restaurantId. While I'm clearly not perfect, and should have written a more detailed message, the point is that you should make it as easy as possible for client developers to deal with the problem that you've just given them. My rules for exception messages also apply here.

It's been more than a decade, but as I remember it, in the AutoFixture code base, I kept a list of APIs that I intended to deprecate at the next major revision. In other words, there were methods I considered fair use in a particular major version, but that I planned to phase out over multiple revisions. There were, however, a few methods that I immediately adorned with the [Obsolete] attribute, because I realized that they created problems for people.

The plan, then, was to take it up a notch when releasing a new major version. To be honest, though, I never got to execute the final steps of the plan.

Escalation #

By default, the [Obsolete] attribute emits a warning, but by supplying true as a second parameter, you can turn the warning into a compiler error.

[Obsolete("Use Get method with restaurant ID."true)]
public ActionResult LegacyGet(int yearint month)

You could argue that for people who treat warnings as errors, even a warning is a breaking change, but there can be no discussion that when you flip that bit, this is certainly a breaking change.

Thus, you should only escalate to this level when you publish a new major release.

Code already compiled against previous versions of your deprecated code may still work, but that's it. Code isn't going to compile against an API deprecated like that.

That's the reason it's important to give client developers ample warning.

With AutoFixture, I personally never got to that point, because I'm not sure that I arrived at this deprecation strategy until major version 3, which then had a run from early 2013 to late 2017. In other words, the library had a run of 4½ years without breaking changes. And when major version 4 rolled around, I'd left the project.

Even after setting the error flag to true, code already compiled against earlier versions may still be able to run against newer binaries. Thus, you still need to keep the deprecated API around for a while longer. Completely removing a deprecated method should only happen in yet another major version release.

Conclusion #

To summarize, deprecating an API could be considered a breaking change. If you take that position, imagine that your current Semantic Version is 2.44.2. Deprecating a method would then required that you release version 3.0.0.

In any case, you make some more changes to your code, reaching version 3.5.12. For various reasons, you decide to release version 4.0.0, in which you can also turn the error flag on. EVen so, the deprecated API remains in the library.

Only in version 5.0.0 can you entirely delete it.

Depending on how often you change major versions, this whole process may take years. I find that appropriate.

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