Make first-time, low-level offenders go to rehab instead of court, Bar Council suggests
Exclusive: Barristers also say offenders could pay compensation to victims, in effort to tackle court backlogFirst-time offenders in low-level crimes should be diverted from trials by paying compensation to victims or enrolling in rehabilitation to solve the courts crisis, the Bar Council has said.The government has proposed abandoning jury trials in some cases to tackle the backlog in crown court cases, but the body representing barristers in England and Wales said this was “not a principled response” and would not work. Continue reading...

Exclusive: Barristers also say offenders could pay compensation to victims, in effort to tackle court backlog
First-time offenders in low-level crimes should be diverted from trials by paying compensation to victims or enrolling in rehabilitation to solve the courts crisis, the Bar Council has said.
The government has proposed abandoning jury trials in some cases to tackle the backlog in crown court cases, but the body representing barristers in England and Wales said this was “not a principled response” and would not work. Continue reading...