Implement FBP / Dataflow programming in VBA?
Intrigued by Flow Based Programming a la J Paul Morrison. I wonder if one can implement FBP in Excel/VBA. I searched quite a bit for a Basic-Lang FBP implementation to no avail. I've looked at some FBP implementation details in Python but I'm not grokking it. VBA is what I'm most familiar with, but I'm suspicious that VBA can do FBP at all, without having coroutines or (?). Code 2 simple components, an Info-Packet Buffer Class, and a linkage between them and I would get it. I can't see where to begin. Specifically I wonder: What would be the In-Ports, Out-Ports, 'bounded-buffer' graph-edges, and code to link them up look like? How to do message passing? Using raised application events? No way the resulting beast is inherently parallel or asynchronous, right? If it just can't be done in VBA, why not?

Intrigued by Flow Based Programming a la J Paul Morrison. I wonder if one can implement FBP in Excel/VBA. I searched quite a bit for a Basic-Lang FBP implementation to no avail. I've looked at some FBP implementation details in Python but I'm not grokking it. VBA is what I'm most familiar with, but I'm suspicious that VBA can do FBP at all, without having coroutines or (?). Code 2 simple components, an Info-Packet Buffer Class, and a linkage between them and I would get it. I can't see where to begin.
Specifically I wonder:
- What would be the In-Ports, Out-Ports, 'bounded-buffer' graph-edges, and code to link them up look like?
- How to do message passing? Using raised application events?
- No way the resulting beast is inherently parallel or asynchronous, right?
- If it just can't be done in VBA, why not?