"I Think He Was a Little Bothered That All They Wanted Was Dune": George R.R. Martin Discusses 'Dune' and Frank Herbert
George R.R. Martin reflects on author Frank Herbert and his iconic Dune books, and reveals Herbert's feelings about the popularity of the series.

Adaptations are a tricky thing. Balancing loyalty to the source material and artistic freedom is never easy, and when you have hoards of fans waiting to dissect everything on screen and compare it to the image they had in their mind, it's hard for an adaptation to live up to expectations. We spoke with George R.R. Martin for an exclusive conversation before the world premiere of In the Lost Lands and asked him about his adaptations and what he wanted to see on screen. During the discussion, Martin also reflected on the Dune adaptations and discussed Frank Herbert's potential reaction to the recent films by Denis Villeneuve.