His n hers homes! Euromillions winners who split after scooping £45M make joint planning application to put pair of luxury homes side-by-side on plot of land that fell into disrepair after they failed to build eight-bedroom 'Teletubbies' eco-home

Matt Topham and Cassey Carrington purchased the land for £1.2million after their £45million win back in 2012 when they were both aged just 22-years-old.

Mar 2, 2025 - 15:17
His n hers homes! Euromillions winners who split after scooping £45M make joint planning application to put pair of luxury homes side-by-side on plot of land that fell into disrepair after they failed to build eight-bedroom 'Teletubbies' eco-home
Matt Topham and Cassey Carrington purchased the land for £1.2million after their £45million win back in 2012 when they were both aged just 22-years-old.