Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman Brought Their A-Game to This Psychological Thriller on Netflix
Under Suspicion, a tense thriller which stars Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman, walks a blurry line between guilt and innocence.

When two legends of the Silver Screen get together to co-headline a film, it’s always noteworthy—especially because the acting, if nothing else, is guaranteed to be of the highest quality. Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman are, without question, two of the finest performers of the past seven decades. In 2000, they came together to star in the psychological thriller Under Suspicion. The two titans had previously shared a few scenes in Clint Eastwood's legendary western Unforgiven, but this was the first and only time they starred opposite one another, shouldering a film equally, in a dual capacity. The result was exactly as you would expect: a terrifically acted tête-à-tête that features some of the best back-and-forth dialogue you will find.