Atrocities mount daily. Promised aid does not arrive. Why has the west turned its back on Sudan?
As territory is won and lost by opposing military forces, people grasp at scraps of normality. But the country is undergoing the world’s most severe humanitarian catastrophe and global announcements of help have amounted to nothingA friend had gone missing. Nothing unusual in Sudan’s ruinous war, but Hitham Mohund knew it was vital to act quickly. However, in an abandoned home near the Nile River he stopped searching after making a grisly discovery: wedged inside a bathroom were three bodies. Hands tied, eyes staring upwards.“They were shot in the chest,” said the 28-year-old, as he walked towards Maigoma Street, a dusty thoroughfare in north Khartoum, Sudan’s capital. Continue reading...

As territory is won and lost by opposing military forces, people grasp at scraps of normality. But the country is undergoing the world’s most severe humanitarian catastrophe and global announcements of help have amounted to nothing
A friend had gone missing. Nothing unusual in Sudan’s ruinous war, but Hitham Mohund knew it was vital to act quickly. However, in an abandoned home near the Nile River he stopped searching after making a grisly discovery: wedged inside a bathroom were three bodies. Hands tied, eyes staring upwards.
“They were shot in the chest,” said the 28-year-old, as he walked towards Maigoma Street, a dusty thoroughfare in north Khartoum, Sudan’s capital. Continue reading...