Amplitude announce Endless Legend 2, an oceanic 4X with Manor Lords outfit Hooded Horse as publisher
We called Amplitude's fiendish and fanciful strategy game Endless Legend the best 4X of 2014, and its hexcellence hasn't dimmed with age. "The music, the amazing variety in terrain and units, the sheer quantity of words bringing to life every last quest, minor faction, creature, and environmental anomaly," breathed a reverential Ollie in 2023. "It's a simply splendid game." Like somebody commenting on the sturdiness of an original Picasso's frame, I will only add that it now runs pretty comfortably on the current least expensive Dell Thinkpad. Why in Meier's name would Sega choose to sell off the studio behind such a worldly wonder? The answer is lost in time (it's through that link, there), but fortunately, Amplitude endure as an independent - and they've just announced Endless Legend 2 with no less than Hooded Horse as publisher. Here's the announcement trailer. Read more

We called Amplitude's fiendish and fanciful strategy game Endless Legend the best 4X of 2014, and its hexcellence hasn't dimmed with age. "The music, the amazing variety in terrain and units, the sheer quantity of words bringing to life every last quest, minor faction, creature, and environmental anomaly," breathed a reverential Ollie in 2023. "It's a simply splendid game." Like somebody commenting on the sturdiness of an original Picasso's frame, I will only add that it now runs pretty comfortably on the current least expensive Dell Thinkpad.
Why in Meier's name would Sega choose to sell off the studio behind such a worldly wonder? The answer is lost in time (it's through that link, there), but fortunately, Amplitude endure as an independent - and they've just announced Endless Legend 2 with no less than Hooded Horse as publisher. Here's the announcement trailer.