WU LYF Are Back With Their First Tour Dates In 13 Years

Jonathan Flanders The indie favorites released their first and only album in 2011.

Mar 20, 2025 - 19:46
WU LYF Are Back With Their First Tour Dates In 13 Years
wu lyf
Jonathan Flanders

WU LYF cast a wide shadow over the indie rock landscape despite only releasing one album, 2011’s Go Tell Fire To The Mountain, before going their separate ways in 2012. But last week, someone on the Indieheads subreddit shared that they “got a postcard from what I assume is WU LYF today directing to this website.” Speculation was high about what it could mean.

Now we know: WU LYF’s website has been updated with a 2025 tour, the once-mysterious group’s first live shows together in 13 years. There’s no North American dates yet, but they’re playing three nights in Manchester, UK, in April, followed by festivals in Brussels and France in May and July.

In 2017, WU LYF (World Unite Lucifer Youth Foundation) frontman Ellery James Roberts spoke to Dazed about the dissolution of the band. “It was quite a dark moment in a lot of senses in my life. But it teaches you a lot,” he said. “It all coming to an end was more of a revelation on my part. The band had this initial period of genuine, pure pursuit. But then you go on the road and we were 19-21. There’s a two-year period of all of this happening. Your eyes are opened to a lot of the world and you can see that a lot things aren’t right, thus I decided I need to fundamentally get things right with myself.”

You can find ticket information here, and check out the dates below.

WU LYF’s 2025 Tour Dates

04/17 — Manchester, UK @ TBA
04/18 — Manchester, UK @ TBA
04/19 — Manchester, UK @ TBA
05/25 — Brussels, BE @ Les Nuits Botaniques
07/19 — Hyères, FR @ Midi Festival