What We Think Of Pinterest’s 2025 Color Trends (Based On Being Gen Z, Millenial And Almost Gen X)
One of the best things about this job is it keeps me young in a lot of ways because being a part of digital media (and social media) is inherently youth culture. I LOVE keeping up with what everyone is ... The post What We Think Of Pinterest’s 2025 Color Trends (Based On Being Gen Z, Millenial And Almost Gen X) appeared first on Emily Henderson.

One of the best things about this job is it keeps me young in a lot of ways because being a part of digital media (and social media) is inherently youth culture. I LOVE keeping up with what everyone is loving (and trying to figure out WHY????). Sometimes I truly don’t get it, but that’s the fun of it – we aren’t supposed to get everyone – it’s part of the ride of being alive in 2025. So today I thought it would be fun for each of us to analyze the Pinterest colors of the year and see how we would use them (either forced or voluntarily). I’m weighing in at age 45, born in 1979 so on the cusp of being Gen X and Millenial. Caitlin and Jess are both solid millennials, Gretch and Mal are millennial/Gen Z cuspers, and Marlee is a solid Gen Z. Here is what we ALLLL think
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