"This Will Be for You": Sarah Michelle Gellar Finally Breaks Her Silence on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' Sequel Series
Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Sarah Michelle Gellar finally breaks her silence on the newly announced sequel to the beloved early aughts series.

Earlier this week, Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans around the world rose up, got on their feet, and cheered for the return of the titular slayer. While we’ve heard rumors of a Buffy reimagining and reboot in the past, this one came with an added bonus, as it was revealed that THE Sarah Michelle Gellar would be reprising her role as the Chosen One. Well, kind of. The new series will focus on a younger, fresher slayer, while Gellar’s Buffy Summers will serve as that slayer’s mentor — which really brings the quote “I’m a Slayer, ask me how” full circle. There was plenty of confusion from fans because Gellar has adamantly stood in her belief that the show didn’t need a reboot or reimagining with her name tied to it. But, today, The Grudge star has released a statement that paints a clearer picture of how this change of heart came to be.