This Netflix Drama Is a Steamy Romance About Forbidden Love and Second Chances
Fishbowl Wives follows women trapped in loveless marriages in a Sex in the City-esque story that is sexier, darker, and more dramatic.

Japanese TV shows have been knocking it out of the park with popular hits like Alice in Borderlandand The Naked Director. Worldwide viewers are expanding their interests into all types of genres when they find hidden gems they never knew existed. And with the rise of steamy, forbidden love romances, fans are in for a treat with the hottest, provocative J-drama streaming on Netflix.What happens when the perfect marriage is nothing but a gilded cage? Fishbowl Wives, based on the manga series Kingyo Tsuma by Kurosawa R., dives into the interconnected lives of women trapped in loveless, suffocating marriages. More than just another infidelity romance, the limited series delivers an emotionally charged narrative that questions societal pressures and the pursuit of second chances. Think Sex and the City, but sexier, darker, and far more dramatic!