There’s a Good Reason Gandalf Was the Only Wizard To Go to the Undying Lands
Gandalf's status as a ring-bearer, as well as his successful completion of his mission, earned him his place in the Undying Lands in Lord of the Rings

The wizards of Middle-earth are perhaps some of the most fascinating characters in all of J.R.R. Tolkien’s texts. One of the biggest mysteries around them is what some may call the favoritism shown to Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen) compared to the four other wizards. None of them got to go to the Undying Lands as Gandalf did. However, there are reasons why Gandalf was given this gift, and why the others weren’t. Not only was his mission complete, but he was also a ring-bearer. As for the other wizards, their fates are mostly a mystery, apart from Gandalf's predecessor, Saruman (Christopher Lee).