The Everything Sale!

Shopkeeping Goblin Brynna here. It’s been a long, dark, maddening Los Angeles winter, with those cold, cold 65-degree temperatures and... The post The Everything Sale! appeared first on Put This On.

Feb 28, 2025 - 13:38
The Everything Sale!

Shopkeeping Goblin Brynna here. It’s been a long, dark, maddening Los Angeles winter, with those cold, cold 65-degree temperatures and not another person around for at least *25 feet* in any direction (very spooky).

“What have you been up to?” Thanks for asking, stranger! Just delving into the recesses of the Put This On Shop. You know, going behind shelves, under tables, around those same tables. And I’ve made an incredible discovery. We. Have. Way. Too. Much. Cool. Stuff!

So (as all you clever title readers may have guessed), this week we are Spring Cleaning and we are putting EVERYTHING ON SALE.

We’re talking EVERYTHING at 25% off!

It’s all your favorite stuff – leather jackets, dress shirts, Gremlins 2 trading cards, 1960s plaid sport coats, bold turquoise and silver rings, braided silver cuff bracelets, Dwight D. Eisenhower campaign pins, brass belt buckles with your name on them. Nothing is safe from this sale!

“But Brynna, surely you’re not putting circa 1920 vintage baby slacks in a box on sale! That would be madness!”


“Even the pocket squares?” EVEN THE POCKET SQUARES!

You want a bolo tie made of horsehair? 25% off! What about an early 20th Century leather shoulder bag? 25% off! 1930s/40s Lincoln Logs metal figures? 22% off.

Just kidding, they’re 25% off!

All you have to do is put in code EVERYTHINGPTO at checkout and we’ll take 25% off. Hurry before we come to our senses!

Put This On Shop

The post The Everything Sale! appeared first on Put This On.