"This isn't speculation, it's all on camera... Undeniable. Irrefutable. No ambiguity." Well, this is extremely sad... I hope this film makes a difference. An official trailer has debuted for a documentary film titled
Stan Lee: The Final Chapter, directed by Jon Bolerjack. The film shows how Lee was used to generate revenue at convention appearances, as autographed memorabilia and photo ops brought in large sums of money — most of which was "never to be seen by Lee or his family." Bolerjack ended up working as one of Stan Lee's assistants during his final years before he passed away in 2018 at the age of 95. It's a classic case of elder abuse and manipulation and rotten exploitation all for other's wealth. "As one of Lee's assistants, Bolerjack accompanied Lee & Lee's entourage to numerous events & shot several hundred hours of video... [filming] his closest confidants, including several who exploited Lee's declining health and age." This is the complete opposite of Disney's doc
titled literally just Stan Lee from 2023. This tells the shocking truth about how he was unethically taken advantage of as the Marvel comics legend, and how greed really is one of the greatest evils. Comic book fans must see this – and Bolerjack is also asking for Kickstarter
funding during this year. //
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