Sharkmob launch public playtest for Exoborne, their open world shoot-O-mecha-looter

Sharkmob have punched the green light, cracked open the hangar doors and launched a public playtest for their windblown open world extraction shooter Exoborne, which I would gingerly summarise as Anthem meets Just Cause with a touch of PUBG. From today till 17th February at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET, or 5am PST, you'll be able to get your fill of mech-o-looting via Steam. Here's a trailer's worth of wiggly whooshes, big bangs and exowotsits to celebrate. Mmm, exowotsits. They used to be 25p a bag in the 1990s. Read more

Feb 12, 2025 - 17:10
Sharkmob launch public playtest for Exoborne, their open world shoot-O-mecha-looter

Sharkmob have punched the green light, cracked open the hangar doors and launched a public playtest for their windblown open world extraction shooter Exoborne, which I would gingerly summarise as Anthem meets Just Cause with a touch of PUBG. From today till 17th February at 1pm GMT, 2pm CET, or 5am PST, you'll be able to get your fill of mech-o-looting via Steam. Here's a trailer's worth of wiggly whooshes, big bangs and exowotsits to celebrate. Mmm, exowotsits. They used to be 25p a bag in the 1990s.

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