One of ‘Sons of Anarchy’s Most Important Characters Originally Had a Much Smaller Role
The role of Gemma Teller in Sons of Anarchy was originally much smaller and likened to that of Livia Soprano in The Sopranos.

What made Sons of Anarchywork so well was its ensemble cast. From the man at the center of it all, Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam), to the fading king Clay Morrow (Ron Perlman), and the original queen of SAMCRO Gemma Teller-Morrow (Katey Sagal). Even though Gemma wasn’t a member of the club herself she was hugely instrumental in its functioning. Even after the death of John Teller, the club’s founder, she remained one of the moving parts of the Sons, and not only because she was Jax’s mother and Clay’s wife. Gemma’s long history with the club, going back to its early days, allowed her a certain knowledge that made her a key factor to the club. Where other members’ old ladies didn’t know much about the club's going ons, Gemma was often quite central and meddled her way in, for better or for worse.