Not Even Squaresoft Could Convince Nintendo To Use Discs For The N64

Our way or the Royal Raceway.When Sony launched the PS1 in 1994, Nintendo suffered one of its biggest losses when Squaresoft, a company that previously became almost synonymous with Nintendo consoles, chose to release its games on the PS1 instead of the N64.In fact, according to a new interview from Sony veteran Shuhei Yoshida by VentureBeat (thanks, Go Nintendo), Squaresoft initially tried to convince Nintendo to adopt CD-ROMs for the N64 instead of cartridges, with Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi especially keen to utilise the technology.Read the full article on

Feb 18, 2025 - 19:51
Not Even Squaresoft Could Convince Nintendo To Use Discs For The N64

Our way or the Royal Raceway.

When Sony launched the PS1 in 1994, Nintendo suffered one of its biggest losses when Squaresoft, a company that previously became almost synonymous with Nintendo consoles, chose to release its games on the PS1 instead of the N64.

In fact, according to a new interview from Sony veteran Shuhei Yoshida by VentureBeat (thanks, Go Nintendo), Squaresoft initially tried to convince Nintendo to adopt CD-ROMs for the N64 instead of cartridges, with Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi especially keen to utilise the technology.

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