No readers’ wildlife today

I have two more installments of photos and video from Robert Lang in the tank, and then that’s it. I want to keep Readers’ Wildlife Photos going, so I’m going to ration out these last two batches over time. But I’m also asking, as I do so often, for other readers to send in their … Continue reading No readers’ wildlife today

Mar 13, 2025 - 17:05
No readers’ wildlife today

I have two more installments of photos and video from Robert Lang in the tank, and then that’s it. I want to keep Readers’ Wildlife Photos going, so I’m going to ration out these last two batches over time. But I’m also asking, as I do so often, for other readers to send in their good wildlife photos.

You know the quality of photos that I put up, so if you have photos of that quality, by all means send ’em in. (I’d rather have no photos than bad ones!) And, being a worrier, I see the dearth of photos as a harbinger of the death of this website, and so this worries me. You can help!

For information about how to format your submission and where to send it, go to “how to send me wildlife photos” on the right-hand sidebar (here).
