Nightshades, Gotu Kola Protocol, Blood Pressure | THRR187
Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic: House COVID panel asks for Fauci’s private emails, cellphone records Who Wins and WHO Loses? DarkHorse Podcast episode 227 Show Notes: Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through The Seven Transitions Into Adulthood Gotu Kola Protocol Questions: Nightshades Kate… Continue Reading

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News Topic:
House COVID panel asks for Fauci’s private emails, cellphone records
Who Wins and WHO Loses? DarkHorse Podcast episode 227
Show Notes:
Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through The Seven Transitions Into Adulthood
Kate writes:
Love you guys! I have forever. And I always come back to you. I trust you. You provide enough science but also keep it real. Thank you for being tried and true. I look forward to the days when a new podcast is released.
Can we talk nightshades? How inflammatory are they for someone who avoids processed stuff, feels better on no gluten, dairy or sugar? No autoimmune issues. Relatively healthy. Probably overtrain. And just always seeking to feel my best. Is it worth eliminating them to see how much better I feel? And, if it is, do I go full bore and cut all the spices too? Thanks a bunch!
Charles Poliquin – Gotu Kola
Andrea writes:
Hey there, fine folks of The Healthy Rebellion! I was intrigued when I heard you talk about Poliquin’s gotu kola protocol for tightening skin. I jumped right in and am about 5 months into taking this supplement. I realized however, that I don’t know what to do when I hit the point of tightened skin. Do I keep taking the supplement in smaller doses forever? Do I just stop? I can’t seem to find any info what to do once the goal is achieved. I am hoping you have some insight.
Thanks for all you guys do, you have been the one podcast that I have listened to without fail for almost a decade (maybe more than a decade? Time flies.) and I just want you to know how much you are appreciated.
Mysterious BP Changes
Christin writes:
Hi Robb and Nicki,
I was looking for resources for a blood pressure question for my husband and while I found a few older show transcripts, nothing quite gave me a clear answer.
My husband has seen a steady rise in his blood pressure over the last 2 years. In 2022 at his company health fair his BP was 108/72. In 2023 it was 134/84. I just took it this evening (manually) and it was 152/100. I know that consistent time of day readings can matter and for context his health fair readings were in the morning and the one I just took was about 8:45 pm, however he’d been sitting resting for a good 20 minutes on the couch watching tv.
This is all confusing because his a1c and general blood sugar readings are all good/normal (I’ve done both some fasted and response readings to get an idea of how high he spikes with some foods). He’s 5’10” about 175lbs so not really overweight. He lifts weights 2x a week and we typically go hiking and/or walking 2x/week together so he’s not getting much vigorous aerobic work over the light-moderate category. HOwever, especially now that summer is here he’s very active with yard work throughout the week, carrying heavy stuff and doing manual labor in the garden and stuff often for 1-2 hours at a time.
He asked me if I thought he should reduce his sodium intake (he is a heavy salter of food) and after reviewing some of what you guys have talked about with past posts and some of Hubermans stuff I don’t think that’s the answer. I did however talk to him about his general junk food intake – he likes to snack on chips and does like his sweets – which he agreed and acknowledged that maybe he needs to reduce that. He’s had a stressful previous year at his job that was messing with his regular exercise regimen and forcing him to frequently stay late/work extra hours and so I do wonder how much this could be playing into things also. Thankfully that has improved in the last 3ish months letting him get back to a more consistent schedule and workouts.
Outside of these few things the only other thing I can think of to tell him is to try and add in more aerobic work to his week at least at a zone 2 level. Other than that I’m stumped. Is there anything you would suggest? Any resources I should look in to? What else can I tell him?
He has no other health issues, we don’t take any medication at all and despite his lack of formal aerobic work he can do a tough hike (6 miles with 2000′ of elevation for example) without major fatigue or being totally dogged; that said I know that it’s important to get regular aerobic work.
So…help please!
Thanks for all your great stuff over the years, you have no idea how helpful and appreciated it all is…even if there’s only 6 of us left at any given time . Keep it up.
From a fan girl and her hubs.
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