Keto for Autoimmune, Cholesterol, Crohn’s | THRR194
Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic: Convention of States Three Article V Convention Efforts RFK Jr Speech Show Notes: Carbohydrate Restriction-Induced Elevations in LDL-Cholesterol and Atherosclerosis: The KETO Trial Heart of the Matter: Higher LDL on Keto Does NOT Mean More Plaque. Long-term… Continue Reading

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News Topic:
Three Article V Convention Efforts
Show Notes:
Carbohydrate Restriction-Induced Elevations in LDL-Cholesterol and Atherosclerosis: The KETO Trial
Heart of the Matter: Higher LDL on Keto Does NOT Mean More Plaque.
Keto/Carnivore for Autoimmune
Jacob writes:
Hi Robb,
I have been following you since 2009 in the CrossFit days and my entire diet has been based around Paleo since then. In 2020 I got very sick and couldn’t recover fully, ending up finding out that I have post viral dysautonomia.
Recently I heard you talk about how the low carb version of the Paleo autoimmune protocol is really an upgrade. In the time since getting sick my baseline became low carb Paleo, and that kept me doing pretty well. Now that I have been heavily supplementing with LMNT it’s been even better!
Can you try and get into the mechanics of why/how a keto-paleo diet makes such of a difference for these kinds of issues? Does it come down simply to inflammation?
Really appreciate the podcast. Keep up the good work!
Thank you
Shane writes:
Hey Robb and Nicki, I know you get asked this all the time and I’ve gone down the rabbit hole on every related podcast I could find of yours regarding this topic, but there is just so much information out there on this topic I don’t know what to think, and I’m hoping you can help.
I’m 41, fit and healthy at least by any American standard. I’ve been involved with CrossFit (was even at one of Robb’s Nutrition Seminars back in the day where I got to meet you both), coached for a decade, life happened and now I’m a Software Engineer. While my job is nowhere near as active, I still train 5-6 days a week but more of a mix of strength training, with some metcons, and regular doses of zone2. I still prescribe to CrossFit’s nutrition in 100 words and so eat meat, vegetables, some fruit little starch and no sugar about 90% of the time. We’re not financially set enough to be able to buy as much from the farm directly as we’d like, so meat is still typical feedlot stuff you can get at City Market etc. but I do try to hit 1.7g/lb of protein per day and fill in with the fruits and veggies.
I haven’t had a PCP in forever and so decided to get one so maybe it wouldn’t take 3 months to get any kind of appointment when/if I did need one and of course they wanted to do a blood panel, and I was curious too so I did. My panel came back and it wasn’t great. My total cholesterol is 298, HDL is 55, triglycerides are 76, LDL is 225, LDL particle number is 2022 nmol/L, LDL pattern is A, ApoB is 162 mg/dL, LipoProteinA is 101. My doctor immediately started talking about statins so I asked about a CAC and did that and got back a score of 0.
With all of that data I’m just not sure how to proceed. I hear Dr. Attia talking about prioritizing apoB reduction, Layne Norton talking about the mendelian randomization studies showing the linear relationship between LDL and cardiac risk. But then I also hear Dr. Malhotra talking about statins and their misrepresented effect on cardiac disease along with Chris Kresser and obviously I want to believe what they say but I also want to make sure I’m not cutting the time my kids get with their father shorter than it had to be.
I quit drinking 2+ years ago, I don’t smoke, and I feel like I eat cleaner now that I ever have, so I’m thinking I’ll just keep on keeping on, continue getting yearly bloodwork, and go back for another CAC in 3-5 years to make sure things aren’t progressing, but I’d love to hear any thoughts you have on the matter.
Thank you both so much for all the great info you put out there and please keep it salty.
Crohn’s Part II
Fred writes:
Hi Robb and Nicki,
You responded to my question re: Crohn’s on Podcast #156 dated June 15, 2023. Thanks again for the information. I followed up on the resources you gave me and implemented a bunch of the recommendations. My stomach has been great but now dealing with sore tendons and joints which is a side effect of the biologic meds. Anyway, I wanted to provide you some additional information because you had wondered what the “precipitating event” could have been to get Crohn’s at the age of 54. Again, until this point I was incredibly healthy with no issues at all. Back to the “potential” precipitating events. March 30, 2021 I got Covid (Delta) just before the vaccines came out in Canada. I was sick but nothing too serious and then because of the vaccine mandates I had to get my first vaccine on May 12, 2021, then second shot July 6, 2021, third vaccine January 8, 2022. In August 2022 my blood pressure went through the roof. I have never had high blood pressure then in January 2022 I had major stomach issues and was diagnosed with Crohn’s in March 2022. Who knows if there is any connection but its interesting that this illness came about after getting Covid and then hitting my system with 3 vaccinations in less than a year. Anyway, thought you might find this interesting. Thanks again! Fred
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