How To Find Atomfall Data Dam Store And Run ERA Command For Dr. Garrow

Midway through the Dr. Garrow investigation in Atomfall, you'll be tasked with visiting a Dam Data Store to access some files for the good doctor. Dr. Garrow makes it clear that you are to run a specific command on the computer and not to read any of the files, which apparently relate to the Windscale disaster that occurred recently. This quest comes right after Dr. Garrow made you go and retrieve her research files in a separate part of the Interchange.However, the Dam Data Store is not in the Interchange. Instead, you'll have to visit Casterfell Woods to enter the Data Store and run the ERA Command for her. Below, you can see an entire walkthrough for this part of the Dr. Garrow investigation in Atomfall. Entering the Casterfell Dam Data StoreThe first step in this part of the investigation is to enter the Dam Data Store located in Casterfell Woods. The exact location of the Dam Data Store is at the following coordinates: 22.5 E, 92.4 N. You can easily enter the Dam Data Store when you reach its large green doors at the bottom of a deserted quarry.Inside the building, you'll be greeted with a huge facility that has servers full of data stored up and down all of the walls and a huge robot patrolling the center of the main level. You'll want to deal with this robot as quickly as possible, as it can be a real hassle to work around. We've done a more in-depth guide on how to kill robots in Atomfall if you're unaware of how to disable them.Once the robot is disabled, you want to climb up the stairs at the back left corner of the room. Here, you need to use your Signal Redirector to open up the lock mechanism on the right side of the wall. You'll also see a note attached to the lock mechanism that states the entire Dam Data Store has been powered down. It's now your job to get it working again so you can run the ERA Command for Dr. Garrow. Powering up the Dam Data StoreAfter entering the locked room at the top of the stairs, you have to use your Signal Redirector to redirect the junction box's power outside the room. You really want to pay attention to where the power is going, as you'll be transferring it from junction box to junction box for the next few minutes. Once you redirect the power outside of the initial locked room, head back outside and find a nearby pole with a newly lit junction box.You'll see that the junction box powers a laser machine gun. Head down the stairs quickly and use the Signal Redirector on the new junction box to power down the laser. This transfers the power to a new junction box located on the ceiling of the building. To reach this junction box, climb on top of the nearby servers in the middle of the room and get right underneath the box. Use the Signal Redirector to transfer power again, which makes another laser gun turn on.Follow the junction box wires across the ceiling, where you have to get on top of more servers to reach another junction box and redirect the power once again. Keep following the power until it goes up into the control room on the opposite end of the building from the first locked room. Head up to the control room, use the Dam Data Store Keycard on the locking mechanism in the middle of the console, and this powers on the Data Interface Console computer right below the control room. Run the ERA Command for Dr. GarrowOnce the Data Interface Console has been powered on, leave the control room and go to the computer, which is now lit up on the main level. Interact with the computer, but be careful, as I had a rat swarm attack me as soon as I did this. If this happens and you've already interacted with the computer, there's no way to exit the screen and fight off the rats.Rats or no rats, access the Data Interface Console and you'll immediately be given a choice. You can either run the ERA Command immediately or browse the files that are stored on the computer. The choice is yours as to what to do, but you can see the outcomes for both choices further down in this guide (spoilers ahead): If you choose to run the ERA Command, all of the files on the Data Interface will be erased. The files contained key information about Dr. Garrow's involvement with Oberon and the Windscale disaster. However, Dr. Garrow is actually monitoring what you're doing and if you run the ERA Command without looking at the files, she trusts you much more when you return to her. This keeps your relationship strong with her for the rest of Atomfall (assuming you stick with her main story questline).If you choose to read the files on the computer, you'll get to see plenty of juicy details about Oberon and how Dr. Garrow essentially had a strong hand in causing the entire disaster that made the Quarantine Zone go into effect. She wanted to drill into Oberon against the wishes of her colleagues, and this set off a chain reaction that led to Oberon unleashing some sort of mysterious energy into the surrounding areas. After reading the files, you can still run the ERA Command, which e

Mar 28, 2025 - 19:40
How To Find Atomfall Data Dam Store And Run ERA Command For Dr. Garrow

Midway through the Dr. Garrow investigation in Atomfall, you'll be tasked with visiting a Dam Data Store to access some files for the good doctor. Dr. Garrow makes it clear that you are to run a specific command on the computer and not to read any of the files, which apparently relate to the Windscale disaster that occurred recently. This quest comes right after Dr. Garrow made you go and retrieve her research files in a separate part of the Interchange.

However, the Dam Data Store is not in the Interchange. Instead, you'll have to visit Casterfell Woods to enter the Data Store and run the ERA Command for her. Below, you can see an entire walkthrough for this part of the Dr. Garrow investigation in Atomfall.

Entering the Casterfell Dam Data Store

The first step in this part of the investigation is to enter the Dam Data Store located in Casterfell Woods. The exact location of the Dam Data Store is at the following coordinates: 22.5 E, 92.4 N. You can easily enter the Dam Data Store when you reach its large green doors at the bottom of a deserted quarry.

Inside the building, you'll be greeted with a huge facility that has servers full of data stored up and down all of the walls and a huge robot patrolling the center of the main level. You'll want to deal with this robot as quickly as possible, as it can be a real hassle to work around. We've done a more in-depth guide on how to kill robots in Atomfall if you're unaware of how to disable them.

Once the robot is disabled, you want to climb up the stairs at the back left corner of the room. Here, you need to use your Signal Redirector to open up the lock mechanism on the right side of the wall. You'll also see a note attached to the lock mechanism that states the entire Dam Data Store has been powered down. It's now your job to get it working again so you can run the ERA Command for Dr. Garrow.

Powering up the Dam Data Store

After entering the locked room at the top of the stairs, you have to use your Signal Redirector to redirect the junction box's power outside the room. You really want to pay attention to where the power is going, as you'll be transferring it from junction box to junction box for the next few minutes. Once you redirect the power outside of the initial locked room, head back outside and find a nearby pole with a newly lit junction box.

You'll see that the junction box powers a laser machine gun. Head down the stairs quickly and use the Signal Redirector on the new junction box to power down the laser. This transfers the power to a new junction box located on the ceiling of the building. To reach this junction box, climb on top of the nearby servers in the middle of the room and get right underneath the box. Use the Signal Redirector to transfer power again, which makes another laser gun turn on.

Follow the junction box wires across the ceiling, where you have to get on top of more servers to reach another junction box and redirect the power once again. Keep following the power until it goes up into the control room on the opposite end of the building from the first locked room. Head up to the control room, use the Dam Data Store Keycard on the locking mechanism in the middle of the console, and this powers on the Data Interface Console computer right below the control room.

Run the ERA Command for Dr. Garrow

Once the Data Interface Console has been powered on, leave the control room and go to the computer, which is now lit up on the main level. Interact with the computer, but be careful, as I had a rat swarm attack me as soon as I did this. If this happens and you've already interacted with the computer, there's no way to exit the screen and fight off the rats.

Rats or no rats, access the Data Interface Console and you'll immediately be given a choice. You can either run the ERA Command immediately or browse the files that are stored on the computer. The choice is yours as to what to do, but you can see the outcomes for both choices further down in this guide (spoilers ahead):

  • If you choose to run the ERA Command, all of the files on the Data Interface will be erased. The files contained key information about Dr. Garrow's involvement with Oberon and the Windscale disaster. However, Dr. Garrow is actually monitoring what you're doing and if you run the ERA Command without looking at the files, she trusts you much more when you return to her. This keeps your relationship strong with her for the rest of Atomfall (assuming you stick with her main story questline).
  • If you choose to read the files on the computer, you'll get to see plenty of juicy details about Oberon and how Dr. Garrow essentially had a strong hand in causing the entire disaster that made the Quarantine Zone go into effect. She wanted to drill into Oberon against the wishes of her colleagues, and this set off a chain reaction that led to Oberon unleashing some sort of mysterious energy into the surrounding areas. After reading the files, you can still run the ERA Command, which erases the files. However, Dr. Garrow knows you read the files when you return to her and is soured on your relationship with her, making her less open and forgiving the rest of the game.

Returning to Dr. Garrow

Regardless of what decision you make, you have to return to Dr. Garrow in the Interchange after running the ERA Command on the Data Interface Console. Of course, how you are greeted by Garrow depends entirely on what choice you made.

If you simply ran the ERA Command, Dr. Garrow is pleasantly surprised. Of course, she basically tricked you into erasing key details about Oberon and the Windscale Plant that could have been helpful to scientists in the future. After some initial dialogue, you can ask the doctor some questions about Oberon, the Quarantine Zone, and your eventual escape.

On the flip side, if you decide to read the files against the wishes of Dr. Garrow, she will not be pleased when you come back to the Interchange. However, you'll still be able to continue on with the Dr. Garrow investigation in Atomfall and ask her questions about Oberon and your escape.

In either case, Dr. Garrow asks you for one more thing before you can escape the Quarantine Zone: a sample of Oberon. This is the final mission in the Dr. Garrow investigation and one of your final tasks in Atomfall if you choose to follow this main story lead. Think carefully about whose side you want to take in Atomfall, as whatever side you take will lead to a different ending.