How do I avoid making female coworkers uncomfortable?
I am 47 and recently, I was reported by a 19 yr old female coworker because she stated I made her uncomfortable. The problem is HR was not specific about what I did exactly and I had to interact with the woman sometimes because she scheduled client's appointments. I congratulated her when she got married, she asked if I thought a wallet would be a good Christmas gift for her husband, and sometimes when I asked her to make an appointment she started small talk with me. I did look over her shoulder to see the schedule a couple of times, but I never was giving her special attention and I always left when she excused herself. I never stared or lingered and I certainly never touched her. I don't know how to avoid making someone uncomfortable if they never give me social cues. Even though sometimes we spoke very briefly about personal things they were never anything sexual or anything. I did speak about my son and his dating life and education a little and she spoke about her family life, but it randomly came up. I was not interested in this coworker at all. How do I avoid making coworkers uncomfortable when I think maybe my presence just makes some women uncomfortable? Aside from my personal life I'm not sure what I did exactly that made this woman uncomfortable.

I am 47 and recently, I was reported by a 19 yr old female coworker because she stated I made her uncomfortable. The problem is HR was not specific about what I did exactly and I had to interact with the woman sometimes because she scheduled client's appointments. I congratulated her when she got married, she asked if I thought a wallet would be a good Christmas gift for her husband, and sometimes when I asked her to make an appointment she started small talk with me. I did look over her shoulder to see the schedule a couple of times, but I never was giving her special attention and I always left when she excused herself. I never stared or lingered and I certainly never touched her. I don't know how to avoid making someone uncomfortable if they never give me social cues. Even though sometimes we spoke very briefly about personal things they were never anything sexual or anything. I did speak about my son and his dating life and education a little and she spoke about her family life, but it randomly came up. I was not interested in this coworker at all. How do I avoid making coworkers uncomfortable when I think maybe my presence just makes some women uncomfortable? Aside from my personal life I'm not sure what I did exactly that made this woman uncomfortable.