George Lucas’ Unmade 'Underworld' Series Is the Kind of Thing That Star Wars Needs More of Right Now
Producer Rick McCallum just revealed details about George Lucas' scrapped live-action series, Underworld, and it's a shame we'll never see it.

Every once in a while, the subject of Star Wars: Underworld resurfaces, leaving Star Wars fans even more curious about it. Now, producer Rick McCallum has revealed more information about the scrapped George Lucaslive-action series, and it sounds like, had it gone forward, both the franchise and television itself would be very different right now. This notion comes at a curious moment, because Star Wars has been struggling with streaming for a long time, as if it's still unsure of its footing and what it wants to be. What McCallum revealed about Underworld actually sounds like what the franchise is sorely lacking right now, and not for the reasons fans would imagine.