Show HN: Daily-notes.nvim – fuzzy time journal and planning plugin

I wrote an nvim plugin that does fuzzy time parsing on plain english dates to help you create + organise periodic notes. I use it daily at work and home. Hope it's helpful to others. :)note: not using NLP, LLMs or 'true' fuzzy parsing as per academic literature; just normal recursive descent parsing Comments URL: Points: 32 # Comments: 6

Fév 9, 2025 - 10:24
Show HN: Daily-notes.nvim – fuzzy time journal and planning plugin

I wrote an nvim plugin that does fuzzy time parsing on plain english dates to help you create + organise periodic notes. I use it daily at work and home. Hope it's helpful to others. :)

note: not using NLP, LLMs or 'true' fuzzy parsing as per academic literature; just normal recursive descent parsing

Comments URL:

Points: 32

# Comments: 6