C++/WinRT implementation inheritance: Notes on winrt::implements, part 1

A closer look at the parameters to the implements template. The post C++/WinRT implementation inheritance: Notes on winrt::implements, part 1 appeared first on The Old New Thing.

Feb 20, 2025 - 20:50
C++/WinRT implementation inheritance: Notes on winrt::implements, part 1

The C++/WinRT library provides the winrt::implements template type for implementing Windows Runtime objects. The general pattern for it is

struct MyThing : winrt::implements<MyThing, ⟦ other stuff ⟧>
    ⟦ implementation details ⟧

You repeat the name of the derived type as the first template parameter because implements uses the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) to access methods of its derived type.

The “other stuff” can contain the following:

  • A C++/WinRT interface such as winrt::Windows::Foundation::IMemoryBuffer.
  • A classic COM interface such as IStream. (Requires that you enable classic COM support.)
  • A C++/WinRT runtime class as winrt::Windows::Foundation::Uri. (Not recommended.)
  • A marker class such as non_agile.
  • Another winrt::implements. (Maximum 1.)

Let’s get the middle item out of the way: Specifying a C++/WinRT runtime class is equivalent to specifying its default interface. This is actually more of a curse than a blessing, for in the case that the C++/WinRT runtime class has multiple interfaces, only the first one is used, and the rest are ignored! This means that when you write

struct MockMemoryBuffer : winrt::implements
    ⟦ implementation details ⟧

you are implementing only the IMemoryBuffer interface and none of the other interfaces like IClosable. It looks like you’re implementing all of MemoryBuffer, but you’re not.

So don’t write that. It’s misleading. Just write

struct MockMemoryBuffer : winrt::implementsIMemoryBuffer>
    ⟦ implementation details ⟧

and then it’s clear that you implemented only one of the required interfaces, and then you’ll remember to implement the other one.

struct MockMemoryBuffer : winrt::implementswinrt::Windows::Foundation::IClosable>
    ⟦ implementation details ⟧

Fortunately, implementing somebody else’s runtime class typically happens only when writing mocks, so the problem tends to arise in testing rather than in production.

If you are implementing a runtime class declared in an IDL file, then don’t use winrt::implements directly. Instead, use the autogenerated T-template, which fills in all of the required interfaces for you.

// automatically implements everything declared in the IDL
// need to declare only "bonus" interfaces not listed in the IDL
struct Widget : WidgetT
    ⟦ implementation details ⟧

Next time, we’ll look at how winrt::implements combines with C++ class inheritance.

Bonus chatter: How do I know this? I read the C++/WinRT code and figured it out. You too can become an expert in something by just reading the code and figuring it out.

The post C++/WinRT implementation inheritance: Notes on winrt::implements, part 1 appeared first on The Old New Thing.