‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Propels Giancarlo Esposito’s Box Office Total Past an Adamantium-Strength Milestone
Captain America: Brave New World pushes Giancarlo Espositio's lifetime box office total to new heights.

Captain America: Brave New World has been in theaters for exactly three weeks now, and with a reported budget of $180 million, the film has still yet to reach its break-even point and cross over into profit territory. Brave New World currently sits at a $166 million domestic total and a $178 million international total for a global cumulative haul of $344 million, needing roughly $15 million more to double its budget. However, the film has helped star Giancarlo Esposito — who makes his long-awaited MCU debut as the villain Sidewinder — reach the $3 billion mark at the global box office. Sidewinder may not be the true villain of Brave New World, as that role shifts to The Leader (Tim Blake Nelson) and Red Hulk (Harrison Ford) for the second and third acts, but he’s still a menacing force that proves to be a worthy test for Sam Wilson.