Can the UK fix its broken prison system? – video
The prison population in England and Wales has doubled in the last 30 years, with overcrowding now endemic across the system. But the government's strategy of easing this pressure by granting early release to thousands of offenders has had a knock-on effect. With many lacking stability on the outside, reoffending rates are high, exacerbating the existing problem. The Guardian visited Wales to see this playing out on the streets of Bridgend; and the Netherlands, to find out how the Dutch have managed to close more than 20 prisons in the past 10 years, seemingly in complete contrast to the struggles in BritainWith thanks to Prison Escape Utrecht Continue reading...

The prison population in England and Wales has doubled in the last 30 years, with overcrowding now endemic across the system. But the government's strategy of easing this pressure by granting early release to thousands of offenders has had a knock-on effect. With many lacking stability on the outside, reoffending rates are high, exacerbating the existing problem. The Guardian visited Wales to see this playing out on the streets of Bridgend; and the Netherlands, to find out how the Dutch have managed to close more than 20 prisons in the past 10 years, seemingly in complete contrast to the struggles in Britain
With thanks to Prison Escape Utrecht Continue reading...