API design note: Beware of adding an “Other” enum value

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Feb 18, 2025 - 19:54
API design note: Beware of adding an “Other” enum value

Consider the following API:

enum class WidgetFlavor

WidgetFlavor GetWidgetFlavor(HWIDGET widget);

The idea here is that Widgets come in three flavors today, but we might add new flavors in the future, so we add an Other value to cover any future flavors.

This is a problem.

Suppose we do indeed add a new flavor Mint in the next version.

enum class WidgetFlavor

What flavor should you report if somebody calls Get­Widget­Flavor and the widget is mint?

If you return WidgetFlavor::Mint, then this will confuse code written with the Version 1 API, because they expected to get Other for anything that isn’t vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry. The word “other” means “not mentioned elsewhere”, so the presence of an Other logically implies that the enumeration is exhaustive.

On the other hand, you obviously should return WidgetFlavor::Mint because that’s why you added the value to the enum in the first place!

My recommendation is not to have an Other at all. Just document that the enumeration is open-ended, and programs should treat any unrecognized values as if they were “Other”. Any code that uses this enumeration will therefore put all unrecognized values into an app-defined “Other” category on their own. Now you can add Mint: New code will put minty widgets in a “Mint” category, and old code will continue to put them in the app=defined “Other” category.

The post API design note: Beware of adding an “Other” enum value appeared first on The Old New Thing.