AI Works Beyond The Grave
Even though Halloween is behind us, we must remember those who have passed into another world. That's why this week's newsletter will dip into a 'recent' interview with Steve Jobs, alongside photos of Freddie Mercury and John Lennon as they'd look if they were alive today. And if that's not enough to capture your imagination, not to worry. We also have a story about a humanoid that testified in the UK's House of Lords. And, as always, we'll look at how AI's impacting healthcare — this time focusing on heart disease and mental health. Artykuł AI Works Beyond The Grave pochodzi z serwisu DLabs.AI.

Halloween might be behind us, but that doesn’t mean we have to forget those who have passed into another world.
That’s why this week’s newsletter will dip into a ‘recent’ interview with Steve Jobs, alongside photos of Freddie Mercury and John Lennon as they’d look if they were alive today. And if that’s not enough to capture your imagination, not to worry.
We also have a story about a humanoid that testified in the UK’s House of Lords. And, as always, we’ll look at how AI’s impacting healthcare — this time focusing on heart disease and mental health.
Ready? Let’s dive in!
Meet Freddy Mercury At 74 Years Old
As mentioned at the start, we’ll start with a slightly less upbeat topic: death. But rather than focusing on the sad side, let’s see how tech has found its role in the afterlife. Turkish photographer and lawyer Alper Yesiltas has been bringing the dead back to ‘life,’ using artificial intelligence to create a series called ‘As If Nothing Happened.’
The images depict what famous people who passed away before their time would look like if they were still alive today. They include photos of Lady Diana, John Lennon, Heath Ledger, and Freddie Mercury, among others.
Despite the many applications offering aging filters that can be used both in person and in photos, we must admit. These photos look much more realistic.
Source: Euronews
Humanoid Debates At The House Of Lords
Now, let’s head to court. The world’s first humanoid artist Ai-Da has been asked to testify at the House of Lords on how the future of the creative industry is threatened by technological developments (see the video below).
The robot joined the debate and presented its position, predicting that technology’s role will grow in the future, especially in the art world. Ai-Da was also asked how she produces paintings and how it differs from how humans create art.
The robot said it was able to paint thanks to AI algorithms, cameras in her “eyes,” and robotic arms. She believes that awareness is different from humans: she doesn’t have subjective experiences, although she can talk about them.
But what do you think? Should AI be considered a fully-fledged artist? Maybe even have a chance to display its art in museums and art galleries?
Source: The Guardian
Joe Rogan Interviews The Late Steve Jobs
A month ago, we wrote that in the latest Star Wars films, Darth Vader’s voice would be created with the help of AI, using the previous actor’s recordings. And as you may guess, such a solution is in general use. Just recently, a Dubai-based company produced a podcast episode where we can hear an interview between Joe Rogan and the late Steve Jobs.
Both voices were based on recordings of the men found online. During the 19-minute interview, we heard not only fictional statements but also some almost identical to those uttered by the men themselves. You can listen to the complete podcast here, and please let us know if you think it’s realistic.
Do you have any thoughts on who should be the next ‘guest’ on the podcast?
Source: Ars Technica
AI Predicts Heart Diseases
In order to ensure a long, healthy life, it is worthwhile to be aware of the likelihood of diseases, especially if they have occurred in family members. And these days, AI allows us to do just that.
According to the British Journal of Ophthalmology, it takes less than a minute for AI to find out if there’s any risk a person can have cardiovascular disease. Researchers claim that the AI-powered tool can scan the retina’s veins and arteries and diagnose potential illness.
This improvement is significant for the medical world because doctors can help patients adjust their lifestyles to prevent or significantly delay heart disease by detecting the risk.
Source: The Guardian
Mental Health And AI
Taking care of mental health is a serious concern nowadays due to a growing number of disorders. According to the WHO, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. And it’s important to remember that proper diagnosis is crucial for the right treatment, but both of these steps are difficult.
Recently, scientists from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have demonstrated that with the help of artificial intelligence, it is possible to detect mental illnesses earlier. Using AI to analyze large sets of data, wearable technology can monitor mental health conditions, and based on that, AI can spot any symptoms.
For now, the device’s accuracy is about 80%, but researchers hope to improve it soon.
Source: Euronews
That’s it for another month; we hope you enjoyed the read. If you don’t want to miss the next newsletter, subscribe to the InsideAI newsletter and stay up-to-date with the latest news from the wonderful world of AI.
Artykuł AI Works Beyond The Grave pochodzi z serwisu DLabs.AI.