Acidwerk is a totally bonkers free and open source Web acid synth
Acidwerk puts the acid in acid. Yes, this is a generative bassline and drum synth. No, it does not make the vanilla acid you might be imagining. It's a beautifully bizarre instrument perfect for creating some chaotic noise in a browser tab right after you've closed ... the news. The post Acidwerk is a totally bonkers free and open source Web acid synth appeared first on CDM Create Digital Music.

Acidwerk puts the acid in acid. Yes, this is a generative bassline and drum synth. No, it does not make the vanilla acid you might be imagining. It's a beautifully bizarre instrument perfect for creating some chaotic noise in a browser tab right after you've closed ... the news.
The post Acidwerk is a totally bonkers free and open source Web acid synth appeared first on CDM Create Digital Music.