A better pkg.go.dev
About pkgo.dev I have never been able to read a package's documentation on pkg.go.dev since all the code there is in black & white... This is the reason I created this repository to make it possible to read. Usage Every time you want to read a package's documentation, you just need to replace pkg.go.dev with pkgo.dev. (remove the .g). E.g. https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/segmentio/kafka-go#section-readme https://pkgo.dev/github.com/segmentio/kafka-go#section-readme How it works We use Nginx as proxy server. Every time a request come in, we forward it to the pkg.go.dev server, then append the highlight.js script to the response before sending it back to the client. Since some README files do not specify the code language, we also update tags to to enable syntax highlighting. If you don't trust me, no worry, you can deploy it yourself: Append pkg.go.dev.local to /etc/hosts Run docker-compose up -d --build Access http://pkg.go.dev.local Source code https://github.com/huantt/better-pkg-go-dev huantt / better-pkg-go-dev Make pkg.go.dev more readable About I have never been able to read a package's documentation on pkg.go.dev since all the code there is in black & white... This is the reason I created this repository to make it possible to read. Usage Every time you want to read a package's documentation, you just need to replace pkg.go.dev with pkgo.dev. (remove the .g). How it works We use Nginx as proxy server. Every time a request come in, we forward it to the pkg.go.dev server, then append the highlight.js script to the response before sending it back to the client. Since some README files do not specify the code language, we also update tags to to enable syntax highlighting. If you don't trust me, no worry, you can deploy it yourself: Append pkg.go.dev.local to /etc/hosts Run docker-compose up -d --build Access http://pkg.go.dev.local View on GitHub

About pkgo.dev
I have never been able to read a package's documentation on pkg.go.dev since all the code there is in black & white...
This is the reason I created this repository to make it possible to read.
Every time you want to read a package's documentation, you just need to replace pkg.go.dev with pkgo.dev. (remove the .g
- https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/segmentio/kafka-go#section-readme
- https://pkgo.dev/github.com/segmentio/kafka-go#section-readme
How it works
We use Nginx as proxy server.
Every time a request come in, we forward it to the pkg.go.dev server, then append the highlight.js script to the response before sending it back to the client.
Since some README files do not specify the code language, we also update If you don't trust me, no worry, you can deploy it yourself:
https://github.com/huantt/better-pkg-go-dev I have never been able to read a package's documentation on pkg.go.dev since all the code there is in black & white...
This is the reason I created this repository to make it possible to read.
Every time you want to read a package's documentation, you just need to replace pkg.go.dev with pkgo.dev. (remove the We use Nginx as proxy server.
Every time a request come in, we forward it to the pkg.go.dev server, then append the highlight.js script to the response before sending it back to the client.
Since some README files do not specify the code language, we also update If you don't trust me, no worry, you can deploy it yourself:
tags to
to enable syntax highlighting. pkg.go.dev.local
to /etc/hosts
docker-compose up -d --build
Source code
Make pkg.go.dev more readable
How it works
tags to
to enable syntax highlighting. pkg.go.dev.local
to /etc/hosts
docker-compose up -d --build