10 Movie Remakes That Actually Justified Their Existence
The Departed, Ocean's Eleven, and The Wizard of Oz are among the best movie remakes that actually justified their existence.

Playing Cards is a short 1896 film by Georges Méliès, one of the earliest pioneers in cinema and the man likely responsible for the science fiction genre as audiences know it today. Like all films of the era Playing Cards is simplistic, lacking in. narrative, and basic in cinematography. What sets it apart, however is its status as a remake. Méliès was inspired by a similar film created years earlier by the very inventors of the film camera, the Lumiere Brothers, and intentionally sought to reimagine their film in his own light. In taking this action, Méliès pioneered yet another trend that would quickly become a staple in film history, the practice of reimagining and reinventing the works of others.